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The BentoAdapter is an abstract contract that is inherited to provide all functions of BentoBox required by the SushiXSwap contract.

The full contract can be found here here.

Read-Only Functions

State-Changing Functions


function _depositToBentoBox(
address token,
address from,
address to,
uint256 amount,
uint256 share,
uint256 value
) internal;

This function is an internal function that is used to deposit tokens into the BentoBox. The function takes the token address, the sender's address, the receiver's address, the amount to be deposited, the share to be deposited, and the value of the native token to be deposited.

The function directly calls the deposit function of the BentoBox contract, passing along the token, sender, receiver, amount, share, and value. The native token value is sent along with the function call using the {value: value} syntax.


tokenaddressThe address of the token to deposit.
fromaddressThe address of the sender.
toaddressThe address of the receiver.
amountuint256The amount of the token to be deposited.
shareuint256The share of the token to be deposited.
valueuint256The value of the native token to be deposited.


This function may revert if the BentoBox deposit operation fails.


This function doesn't use any modifiers.


No specific events are emitted by this function. However, the BentoBox deposit function might emit events.

Functions called

This function calls the deposit function of the BentoBox contract.

Security Considerations

For the from parameter, only msg.sender, address(this), and address(bentoBox) should be passed in, or else an attacker can siphon user's funds in BentoBox. The token parameter should be address(0) when depositing native token. You should pass either amount or share, not both.


function _transferFromBentoBox(
address token,
address from,
address to,
uint256 amount,
uint256 share,
bool unwrapBento
) internal;

This function is an internal function that is used to transfer tokens from the BentoBox to another user or withdraw them to another address. The function takes the token address, the sender's address, the receiver's address, the amount to be transferred, the share to be transferred, and a boolean flag indicating whether to unwrap the BentoBox or not.

This function is marked internal, which means it can only be called from within the contract itself, or from contracts that inherit from this contract.

Depending on the unwrapBento parameter, the function either calls the withdraw or transfer function of the BentoBox contract. If the amount is greater than 0 and unwrapBento is false, it first calculates the corresponding share using the toShare function of the BentoBox.


tokenaddressThe address of the token to transfer. Use wrapped native token address for native tokens.
fromaddressThe address of the sender.
toaddressThe address of the receiver.
amountuint256The amount of the token to transfer.
shareuint256The share of the token to transfer.
unwrapBentoboolSet to true for withdrawal and false for transfer.


This function may revert if the BentoBox withdraw or transfer operation fails.


This function doesn't use any modifiers.


No specific events are emitted by this function. However, the BentoBox withdraw or transfer function might emit events.

Functions called

This function calls the withdraw, toShare, and transfer functions of the BentoBox contract.

Security Considerations

For the from parameter, only msg.sender, address(this), and address(bentoBox) should be passed in, or else an attacker can siphon user's funds in BentoBox. The token parameter should be the address of the wrapped native token when transferring native tokens. You should pass either amount or share, not both.